Tendaisyomyo,Tatsuya Koumazaki & PANGAEA



小馬崎達也(桐ギター)/Tatsuya Koumazaki(Paulownia guitar)


Katsuaki Yohiguchi (Rushuisyo.percussion)

小林政高 (和太鼓) /Masataka Kobayashi (Wadaiko)

仲林利恵 (篠笛、能管、箏) /Rie Nakabayashi (Shinobue.Noukan.sou)

石川高 (笙) /Kou Isikawa(syo)

Tendaisyomyo,Tatsuya Koumazaki & PANGAEA

1. 常楽寺 / JORAKUJI (8:49)
2. 四智梵語讃 / Shichi-bongosan (11:04)
3. 四智漢語讃 / Shichi-kangosan (8:38)
4. 表白 / hyobyaku (4:16)
5. 五大願 / Godaigan 1:40
6. 九條錫杖一条 / Kujou-syakujo 1jo (6:26)
7. 九條錫杖二条 / Kujou-syakujo 2jo (6:57)
8. 九條錫杖三条 / Kujou-syakujo 3jo (4:43)
9. 九條錫杖五条 / Kujou-syakujo 5jo (7:37)
10. 九條錫杖九条 / Kujou-syakujo 9jo (7:16)
11. 随方回向 / Zuihou-ekou (0:19)
12. 十方念仏 / shihou-nenbutsu (4:05)
13. 般若心経 / Hannyashingyo (3:48)
14. 後唄 / Gobai (1:48)

常楽寺 半田孝淳(導師)/ Joraku-ji Handa Koujun
薬樹院 即真尊のう、/Yakuju-in Tsukuma Sonno
深大寺 谷 玄昭(始経)/Jindai-ji Tani gensyo
知行院 坂本観晃(錫杖)/Chigyo-in Sakamoto Kanko
正圓寺 梅岡純義 /Syoen-ji Umeoka Jungi
大泉寺 杜多道雄(鐃)/Daisen-ji Toda Douyu
安養寺 関口晃成 /Anyou-ji Shekiguchi kosei
檀那院 坂本観泰 /Danna-in Sakamoto kantai
寿福寺 加藤良昌 /Fukuju-ji Kato Ryosyo
龍禅院 森定慈仁 /Ryuzen-in Morisada jinin
大圓寺 福田明衍(はち) /Daien-ji Fukuda Myoen
福泉寺 山田亮匡(讃頭) /Fukusen-ji Yamada ryokyo
安禅院 小森文秀 /Anzen-in Komori bunsyu
常楽寺 石川賢明 /Jouraku-ji Isakawa Kenmei

小馬崎達也(桐ギター)/Tatsuya Koumazaki(Paulownia guitar)
吉口克彰(琉水鉦、パーカッション)/Katsuaki Yohiguchi (Rushuisyo.percussion)
小林政高 (和太鼓) /Masataka Kobayashi (Wadaiko)
仲林利恵 (篠笛、能管、箏) /Rie Nakabayashi (Shinobue.Noukan.sou)
石川高 (笙) /Kou Isikawa(syo)

録音:2002年2月、5月(長野・別所温泉 常楽寺、東京・世田谷 知行院)
Recorded:Jorakuji, chigyouin February~May 2002
Producer,Engineer:小馬崎達也 Tatsuya Koumazaki
Mastering Engineer:木坂忠明(Della Inc.) Tadaaki KIsaka
題字:常楽寺 半田孝淳探題大僧正 Handa Kojun Tandai Daisojo
Cover Photgrah:安里勝昭 Katsuaki Asato
Cover Design:野村直樹 Naoki Nomura
Produced by Tatsuya Koumazaki (Pangaea Music Farm) 
Special Thanks:
文化時報 安里勝昭、茶位ギター工房 茶位行信、小林十三ギター工房、

天台聲明音律研究会代表 深大寺貫主 谷 玄昭

Tendai Syomyo Chants
Gensho Tani Representative of Tendai Chants Research Society,
Head Priest of Jindaiji Temple
Syomyo was one of the five myo, or practical studies, that brahmana (brahmin) had to master in ancient India. Shomyo, the study of phonemes, was studied together with Inmyo (logic), Naimyo (Psychology), Ihomyo (Medical Science and Pharmacology), and Kugyomyo (Arts and Mathematics).
Buddhist ceremonial music was transmitted to Japan through China and was called Bonbai. However in the late Heian period, the meaning of Syomyo changed and came to mean only musical matters concerning the vocalization and risindg and falling of tones. Finally, Syomyo became the vocal music that was chanted by Buddhist priests at Buddhist ceremonies.
According to historical recoeds, in the year Tenpyo-shoho 4 (752 AD), the first large scale Shomyo chants ware presented at Todaiji Temple in Nara on the occasion of the Juichimen Kannon Keka Hoe (the repentance ceremony of Eleven-faced Kannon) and the Daibutsu Kaigan Hoe (the ceremony of the opening of the eyes of the Giant Buddha Image). The present day linage of Syomyo chants is classified into three large streams,the Nanto Buddhist traditions in the Nara period, the Tendai and Shingon Buddhist traditions in the heian period, and other traditions after the Kamakura era.
Jikaku Daishi Ennin, a leading disciple of Saicho, studied Syomyo on Mt. Wutai and other places in Chaina. In 847 he came back to Japan and estblished the Tendai Shomyo tradition at Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei. For 1,150 years, it has been strictly passed down from master to disciple through established theory. Tendai Syomyo is known at the most sonorous style of chant.
The Syomyo that was chanted in the Main Hall of Tendai Headquarters spread all over Japan and heavily influenced Japanese music after medieval times. The Heikyoku and Yokyoku systems of melody were somewhat similar and through Heikyoku, Joruri was also affected by Shomyo and Syomyo also had a influence on regional folk songs.


"KOMYOKU-SYAKUJO" is one of esoteric Buddhism ceremony.
In this ceremony, while DOSHI (a leader of monks) is holding "KOMYOKU" service, other monks shake SYAKUJO chanting "KUJOSYAKUJO" (sutra). It's often done at a Buddhismt memorial service or a funeral service.
"KOMYOKU" is "KOMYOSHINGON" dharuma. We pray to BIRUSYANA-NYORAI (DAINICHI-NYORAI) or MURYOJU-NYORAI (AMIDA-NYORAI). We hold the service for extinction of sin, driving away disaster, getting rid of illness and praying for the repose of one's soul. It's a secret process. Monks can do it after recieved the instinction of it. It's said that "KOMYOSHINNGON" has a power of infinite blessing and if it's chanted we can get the light of Buddha, we can extinct sin of 6 kinds of sense (vijnara), we can drive away 7 kinds of disasters.
"SYAKUJO" is one of BIKUJUHACHIMOTSU (18 goods of a trainee monks, Monks take these goods when they do esoteric practices.). It's said monks walk shaking SYAKUJO and making sounds to avoid a poisonous snakes and poisonous insencts when they walk around mountains.
"KUJOSYAKUJO" (sutra) is found in "KEGONKYOJOGYOHON"(sutra). It's not found in other sutras. In "KUJOSYAKUJO" (sutra), the divine grace of SYAKUJO is preached and in this service SHAKYJO is shaked at some places by monks. It's said the sound of shaking SYAKUJO has a special power. And it's chanted to pray for salvation from the bondage of this world and the Supreme Enlightenment of the world by its power.
